
Amazing Benefits of Spearmint Tea.

Written by Paul

This tea is made from the leaves of the spearmint herb which is native to Europe and is scientifically known as Mentha spicata. Spearmint has a pleasantly sweet taste and is frequently used to flavor toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum and candy.

One common way to enjoy this herb is to brew it into a tea, which can be made from either fresh or dried leaves. Yet, this mint is not only tasty but may also be good for you.

Here are Some Amazing Health Benefits of Spearmint Tea

High in Antioxidants: The antioxidants found in spearmint help protect against and repair damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can lead to oxidative stress been linked to several chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Good for Digestive Upsets: The anti-inflammatory effects of spearmint tea may help your stomach settle down when you’re experiencing symptoms of indigestion, or any sort of stomach upset or nausea.

Hormone Regulation and Acne Management: Another interesting effect of spearmint tea is that it can impact the hormonal balance within our bodies. There are countless different hormonal interactions that define our appearance, behavior, mood, and daily energy cycles. In women with hirsutism related to PCOS, free and total testosterone levels were significantly reduced over a 30-day period of drinking spearmint Tea. These possibly antiandrogenic properties may help balance hormones and acne management.

For Hirsutism: Hirsutism is a condition that causes excessive hair growth, or hypertrichosis, in women. It can be caused by an array of factors, including hormonal imbalances or certain medications. Drinking spearmint tea may help reduce hirsutism, or growth of dark, coarse hair on the face, chest and abdomen of women. In fact, it’s a common herbal remedy for unwanted hair growth in Middle Eastern countries.

Fights Bacterial Infections: Spearmint is a popular flavoring agent in toothpaste, breath mints and chewing gums. However, it does more than freshen your breath — it also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which may help kill the bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath.

How to Make Spearmint Tea? Making spearmint tea is a piece of cake. It hardly takes more than 15 minutes.

  • Pour 8 OZ freshly boiled water over 1 teabag.
  • Cover and Steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Squeeze and Remove tea bag to ensure maximum goodness.
  • ENJOY 1-3 cups per day.

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