
Beauty Tips: 10 Essential Oils for Skin and Hair

Written by Nicole Capo

For your skin and hair worries, nothing like essentials oils as a first-line recourse before thinking of heavier or more invasive methods

The mysterious garden of aromatherapy that conjures in our subconscious, images of sensuous pleasures, fragrances, relaxation and self-indulgence.

Yet, essential oils as concentrates of herbal species are powerful allies not only to our health, but also to the care of our skin and hair.

So let’s go for a moment of shared pleasure and self-pampering and dive into the kingdom of oils and fragrances.


1Tea tree

A real super hero. Because of its disinfecting and anti-inflammatory  effects, it helps clear acne, pimples, and various types of breakouts while minimizing scarring.

Possible carrier oils to enhance its absorption and effects are nutmeg and jojoba oils.

A few drops of tea tree oil is also an excellent solution to scalp conditions like dandruff and hair loss.

Note that tea tree is one of the very rare essential oils that can be used undiluted, in some cases.

2- Frankincense

A God-sent for dry, mature skins. Its nourishing and rejuvenating properties can do wonders to refresh and tighten skins that are buckling down because of the effects of the years or climate.

A plus to the beauty benefits of frankincense is its soothing effects on the nervous system, which allows a restful sleep, hence better cellular regeneration.

A good carrier oil to enhance its action would be grape seed oil.

3- Rosemary

An essential oil of choice when it comes to revitalizing tired skins.

When used consistently, it also brightens the complexion and helps in fading scars.

Special note to its effects on hair growth.

To stimulate scalp and boost hair growth, a good carrier oil would be castor oil.

Massage your scalp with the mix at least twice a week for optimal results.

4 – Lemon

If you have skin that is prone to hyperpigmentation and dark spots, then E.O. of lemon is a solution for you.

To balance and enhance its effects, black seeds oil would be recommended.

A few drops of E.O. of rosemary added to the mix would be a good way to get permanent and faster results.

Note that exposure to sunrays should be avoided when using E.O. of lemon. A good solution would be to use it only at night.

5- Ylang ylang

This is an essential oil whose scent might be appealing to some and deeply repulsive to some others.

Anyway, it is possessed of extremely softening and regenerating properties, which makes  it the E.O. of choice for dry  skin with rough patches.

A few drops of E.O. of ylang ylang in your hair mask would be a good addition to make the hair more lustrous, and prevent split ends and breakage.

6- Rose

Hydrating, softening and deeply nourishing, E.O. of rose is well-adapted for delicate, sensitive and dry skin.

The result of its daily use is a soft, smooth and glowing skin.

As a carrier oil, I would suggest  apricot kernel oil for its nourishing and radiance-enhancing effects.

7- Carrot 

This E.O. that is packed with betacarotene is very much advisable for light-complexioned people who have experienced a darkening of their skin.

Carrot is unequalled in bringing back the natural pigments of a person’s complexion.

It is also an incredible protection against the harmful effects of the sun.

Prepare it with turmeric or bearberry oil as a carrier oil and enjoy the pleasure of a sun-kissed glow to your skin.

8- Geranium

In cases of inflammation,  boils, burns, and post-acne care, geranium is the go-to essential oil because of its powerful anti-scarring properties.

Can be used in combination with lavender in baobab oil to heal irritations and brighten the skin considerably.

9- Helichrysum

A precious and rare essential oil that is known for repairing extremely damaged skin.

Scars and stretch marks are its usual prescriptions and its combination with E.O. of rosemary gives extremely positive results.

Optimal combination: essential oils of helichrysum and rosemary with rosehip oil as a carrier.

2-3 months of massaging with this preparation will noticeably improve the appearance of the most stubborn scars or stretch marks.

10- Lavender

Softness itself. It calms and soothes the most irritated or itchy skin or scalp.

As such, it can be diluted in the usual care of delicate skins.

Yet, hidden in all that softness, is a great disinfecting power.

It can therefore be combined with tea tree to fight the infection in acne, pimples, prickly heat and also itchy scalp or dandruff.

So there you go. For your skin and hair worries, nothing like essentials oils as a first-line recourse before thinking of heavier or more invasive methods.

About the author

Nicole Capo

Graduate of the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, Benin.
Graduate in Dietetic and Herbology at FFEH, Lyons- France.
Graduate in Herbology at Istituto Piscopo, Ivrea- Italy.

MY PASSION FOR NATURAL THERAPIES was not born out of a quest.
It came to me through the force of nature's basics, dawning on me, through an unexpected recovery from seemingly desperate health conditions, and through the glorious strokes of inspiration.

But the magic of herbs is not sufficient to make a career of herbology.
It takes more.

The use of herbs has been supported for centuries by empirical observations that have been replaced in modern civilization, by scientific studies.

Security about the therapeutic properties of herbs, their dosage and harmlessness have become the main concerns, and rightly so.

The link is established then. Natural therapies, yes. But backed by science.
Herbs used with a maximum security regarding dosage, interactions and potential harmful effects.

That is Nature's harbour's invitation. All the team wishes you welcome and dearly hopes you'll come to us, as much as we wish to come to you.

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