
Why Choose Herbs?

Written by Nicole Capo

Even though herbal remedies are the medicine of the origins in all major civilizations, it is sad to notice that they have been pushed during the 20th Century to the minor position of an alternative or additional therapy.

That’s why one cannot help but wonder. If conventional drugs are in power and everywhere, if they are the remedies trusted and favoured by practitioners and the main trend of the health establishments, the interrogation becomes unavoidable; why choose herbs?


Oriental countries, in general, have succeeded in keeping their traditional medicine beside modern conventional drugs. It is the case of China for example, where traditional practices have evolved over more than 2000 years to become a broad ranged medicine including acupuncture, massage, dietary therapy, and above all, herbal remedies.

Chinese herbs such as well-known Fo-ti, Dong quai or White peony root have time and again been praised by users for their effects, and reliable studies have established their therapeutic properties.

If we leave aside the situation in China, an exemple even closer to us is that of St John’s wort, which has proven more efficient in cases of moderate depression than SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)


It may not be quick enough, but a trend is emerging of researching the properties of herbs. Herbs whose use have been based on traditions and empirical knowledge are more and more becoming the object of scientific studies.

A very conclusive study has recently confirmed the antiviral properties of a herb that has been in use for centuries : Elder, Sambucus nigra (M Bartak, A Lange, A Slonska, J Cymerys- Revista bionatura, Researchgate.net).

With more and more of such studies, the end result will be to use herbs with security and to bring them back to their central position when it comes to the management of health.


We will not fall here into this romantic notion that herbal remedies have no side effects. Any substance whose activity has been recognised can also have potential side effects. The majority of herbs, though, when administered in appropriate doses, and with due caution regarding interactions and toxicity have a low risk of side effects.

However, this does not constitute an exemption from seeking the guidance of qualified phytotherapists. Such practitioners have access to data ( eg: The Review of herb-drug interactions, by Lucinda Miller of Texas Tech University Health Sciences, in Archives of Internal Medicine) which lend more security to the use of herbal remedies.


Herbal remedies do not suppress symptoms. A classic example is the treatment of hypertension. A treatment, based on appropriate herbs will not only lower blood pressure, it would improve kidney function, strengthen the heart, cleanse blood and clean artery walls, with an end result of better quality of life and less dependence on daily intake of drugs.

The aim of herbal remedies, administered in the right frame of mind is to take the body as a whole and go to the root cause of ailments.

To conclude, we can say, when taking the above into account, that there are serious factors in favour of herbal remedies.

It is therefore perfectly reasonable to choose herbs in the daily management of health, with a caveat regarding emergencies, attacks or surgery.

About the author

Nicole Capo

Graduate of the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, Benin.
Graduate in Dietetic and Herbology at FFEH, Lyons- France.
Graduate in Herbology at Istituto Piscopo, Ivrea- Italy.

MY PASSION FOR NATURAL THERAPIES was not born out of a quest.
It came to me through the force of nature's basics, dawning on me, through an unexpected recovery from seemingly desperate health conditions, and through the glorious strokes of inspiration.

But the magic of herbs is not sufficient to make a career of herbology.
It takes more.

The use of herbs has been supported for centuries by empirical observations that have been replaced in modern civilization, by scientific studies.

Security about the therapeutic properties of herbs, their dosage and harmlessness have become the main concerns, and rightly so.

The link is established then. Natural therapies, yes. But backed by science.
Herbs used with a maximum security regarding dosage, interactions and potential harmful effects.

That is Nature's harbour's invitation. All the team wishes you welcome and dearly hopes you'll come to us, as much as we wish to come to you.

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